In this image, we can see Adams’ analysis of women and animals “wanting it”. The image has a burger with female legs sticking out of it and it says “eat me”, which is suggesting that the burger is desiring to be eaten and it’s tempting you to do it. Adding the female legs means that the same thing can be said about a woman. Also, a burger has meat, which one more time proves Adams’ point of category “not A” being easily accessible to the white male. This idea of “wanting it” takes responsibility away from the white male and gives them the green light to be inappropriate. Something else that I noticed about this image is that by having the burger as the face and only showing the legs, this advertisement is taking away the identity of women and selling them as a piece of meat. Also, the words “late nite menu” are an indicative of sex because as we know, we associate night with sex.
In this image, we see something similar to the image above with the leg without a face, taking away the woman’s identity. We also see a black man being portrayed as a beast by his facial expression and the way he is grabbing the woman’s leg. There is more meat and food around, which makes the woman’s leg appear as just another food. Even though the black man looks like a beast, he is still in control of the woman and the food, and again we see that the woman “wants it” because she is showing her leg in a sexy way. If we really pay attention to this image, we will notice that there is a small image of a chicken with women-like breasts on the top right. The chicken is posing in a sexy way and has hoop earrings on, which one more time shows a relationship between non-human animals and women.
In this image, we see a woman divided by parts as if she was to be sold. Some of the parts are breast, thigh, and neck. The way the woman is posing reminds me of a painting from the male gaze period. She is posing as if she was an exhibition, and the division of her parts is commodifying her body. Again, like I mentioned in the images above, the way she is posing looks like she is inviting the man in to do as he pleases with her. This again, is showing that women “want it”. I keep pointing this out because this is something that I didn’t know about before and I keep noticing it in every image on this topic. If we look into this image carefully, we will also notice that the woman is placed on top of an object (not sure what it is) as if she was the object being displayed. This image, just like the other two above, is showing women and non-human animals as the consumed and the men as the consumer
This image relates directly to the section in Adams’ reading about non-human animals being presented as whores. “Such ads, Adams notes, suggest that not only do women promiscuously want sex, but the same desire is applicable to others in the ‘Not A’ category – nonhuman animals” (The Pornography of Meat). This means that these type of ads are allowed because they are not directly showing women, instead they are using animals, but the ad is still referring to women. However, no one will care that a monkey is being portrayed as a whore, but if it was a woman it would be a bigger issue, but this still doesn’t take away from the fact that this ad is directed towards women. So, we continue to do this with animals because animals and women are associated with promiscuity and this way we can “enjoy the degradation of women without being honest about it.”
Annotated Bibliography
Johnson, E. M. (2013, December 4). When Are Women Most Likely to Be Promiscuous? Retrieved from
This source is about promiscuity among females of different species and it relates it back to human females. This reading mentions some of Darwin’s theories on sexual selection and it agrees with some of them and disagrees with others. What I noticed in this reading was that women and non-human females are expected to only be with one man or with very few men during their lifetime, but the facts are that women are as sexual as men. This reading says that men are usually thought of as the ones to have several partners, but the truth is that women can do the same. This reading also points out different times during a woman’s life when she is most sexual, including pregnancy. This part caught my attention because pregnant women are often viewed as non-sexual, but the truth is that women pregnant women are highly sexual.